
Flight Simulator
A flight simulator made from scratch, exploring the fundamental concepts of creating 3D graphics.

Japanese City Pop Data Analysis
Data analysis and research on Japanese City Pop via webscraping, text mining, and text analysis.

Navigation for the Blind
Navigation system that uses image processing to detemine best course of direction to walk in.

Mimer: Mimicking Humanoid Robot
A humanoid robot that uses a computer vision to mimic the movements of a human in front of it.
Python Arduino

Personal Website
A project to design and create this website.
HTML CSS Javascript

Manim Tutorial
One of the first tutorials unravelling a graphics library made and used by Grant Sanderson, popularly known as 3b1b

OpenAI Cartpole
Explores various ML/AI approaches such as neuroevolution to get phenomenal results on the Cartpole Challenge by OpenAI.

Spontaneous Response to Dynamic Environments via GPT 3.5
Uses GPT 3.5 as a central nervous system to make high level decision during path planning for the cozmo robot.

Terraforming Bot
A game bot whose objective is to terraform the most tiles on mars while competing against enemy bots.

YouTube Educational Series
A set of educational videos on YouTube created using the Manim engine.
Python Video Editing